Fuzzy Succulents add soft charm and heaps of cuteness to your succulent collection. The furry hairs that cover them range from short and felted to long and woolly. These are the types so cute that you can't help but touch as you pass by. A fuzzy coating serves a number of purposes for a succulent. In particularly dry deserts, it helps trap vapor from the air and condense it into droplets for the plant. These coverings also act as a natural shade cloth and help fuzzy succulents tolerate full, direct sun. In all cases, these cute, cuddly varieties are sure to delight!
Fuzzy succulents come from many different genera and parts of the world. They are an example of convergent evolution, i.e. different organisms developing similar characteristics. What they have in common is that they all have to withstand arid conditions.
These shared adaptations also affect how one cares for fuzzy succulents. In general, succulents with a coating of hair will want more sunlight than their glabrous relatives. We also recommend watering their soil directly in order to keep the leaves dry. Woolly leaves tend to trap moisture, stay wet too long, and contribute to rot, so it's best to keep the foliage as dry as possible. For care info specific to each variety, check the description on each product page.
Please Note: If white, cottony fuzz appears in the crevices of a succulent that was not previously fuzzy, you may have an infestation of mealybugs. Spray daily and thoroughly with isopropyl alcohol until the bugs are gone.